

发布时间:2015/8/8 来源:阜阳留学












The University of Melbourne





Australian National University





The University of New South Wales





The University of Sydney





Monash University





RMIT University





The University of Auckland





The University of Queensland




1. The University of Sydney 悉尼大学

Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in electrical engineering is concernedwith the way electrical energy is produced and used in homes, the community andindustry. It will provide you with advanced knowledge in designing and buildingsystems and machines that generate, transmit, measure, control and useelectrical energy essential to modern life. You may engage areas of study including wirelessengineering, power engineering, high voltage engineering and digital integratedcircuit design.

Master of Engineering in Power Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in power engineering is concerned withthe study of powersystems, specifically electric power generation, electric power transmissionand electric power distribution, power conversion, and electromechanicaldevices. This will provide you with advanced skills to plan, design,construct, operate and maintain power systems and equipment. You may engage in areas of studyincluding high voltage engineering, sustainable energy systems and powersystems analysis and protection.

Master of Engineeringin Telecommunication Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in telecommunications engineering willprovide you with advanced skills in the design, build and management of systems that carry out thetransmission and broadcasting of information using wireless signals. You may engage in areas of study including radio frequency engineering, mobile networks, gigabits wireless systems,and satellite communication systems.

综上所述,悉尼大学一共有三个EE类专业,其中Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering专业属于强电与弱电相结合的方向、Master of Engineering in Power Engineering专业属于纯强电专业、Master of Engineeringin Telecommunication Engineering专业属于纯弱电专业。有意向的童鞋,可以根据自己的需求去选择适合自己的专业方向。

2. The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学

Master of Telecommunications Engineering




1. In order to be considered forentry, applicants must have completed:
• either
– a four year electrical,communications, computer or information engineering degree with a weightedaverage mark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, or
– an undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline with a weighted averagemark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, and a graduate diploma intelecommunications with a weighted average mark of at least H3 (65%), orequivalent, or
– an undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline with a weighted averagemark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, and a graduate certificate intelecommunications with a weighted average mark of at least H3 (65%), orequivalent, and one year of documented, relevant work experience.
Meeting these requirements does not guarantee selection.

2. In ranking applications, theSelection Committee will consider:
• prior academic performance; and where relevant
• the professional experience. 申请院校的时候,学校的背景和均分不是唯一的审核标准,往往决定申请成败与否的因素在于学生的软性背景(例如课外活动、实习经历等)

3. The Selection Committee mayseek further information to clarify any aspect of an application in accordancewith the StudentApplication and Selection Procedure.

4. Applicants are required to satisfy theuniversity’s English language requirements for postgraduate courses. For thoseapplicants seeking to meet these requirements by one of the standard testsapproved by the Academic Board, performance band 6.5 isrequired.


You will complete a one year (100 point)full-time (or part-time equivalent) program, consisting of a choice of eight subjects of 12.5 points each.

Up to eight subjects can be selected from Master of Telecommunications Engineering electives, and up to two subjects canbe selected from the list of other engineering electives below.


Ø Network Design and Optimisation

Ø Internet Engineering

Ø Wireless Communication Systems

Ø Signaling and Network Management

Ø Directed Studies

Ø Mobile and Wireless Networks and Design

Ø Multimedia Content Delivery

Ø Broadband Access Networking and Design

Ø Optical Networking and Design

Ø Lightwave Systems

Ø Advanced Communications Systems

Ø Business of Telecommunications

Other Engineering electives

Ø Sensor Networks and Applications

Ø Cluster and Grid Computing

Ø IT Project Management

Ø RF Systems and Architecture


The program will provide you with the skills and specialist knowledgerequired for a career in the modern telecommunications industry. Careeropportunities exist in the design and development of new communicationstechnology, digital communications and signal processing, wireless systems andthe development of telecommunications hardware and software. Your skills willbe in demand in Australia and overseas, working for telecommunications companies such as Telstra,Siemens, Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent.

3. Australian National University 澳大利亚国立大学

Master of Engineering (Digital Systems and Telecommunications)

学制:2A single two year graduate degree offered by the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science 此专业是澳大利亚国立大学工程与计算科学学院唯一的两年制的研究生课程,可见其受认可的程度。


入学要求:A Bachelor degree or international equivalent in a cognate disciplinewith an average mark of at least 70 per cent. Cognate Discipline:Electrical Engineering,Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications/Communication Engineering,Information Engineering.


This two-year program will provide studentswith a qualification in Engineering at the Masters level. Students will obtainadvanced knowledge in signal processing and information engineering which is atthe heart of modern digital systems. Areas of application include microelectronic systems, communicationnetworks, computer vision, audio and acoustic signal processing. Theprogram contains a targeted professional development component as well as anopportunity to select electives from other areas of study anywhere in theUniversity.


The Master of Engineering in DigitalSystems and Telecommunications requires the completion of 96 units, of which:

96 units must come from completion of6000-level, 7000-level and 8000-level courses

The 96 must consist of:

66 units from completion of the followingcompulsory courses:

ENGN6213Digital Systems and Microprocessors

ENGN6536Wireless Communications

ENGN6537Discrete-Time Signal Processing

ENGN8100Introduction to Systems Engineering

ENGN8120Systems Modelling

ENGN8150Professional Communication I

ENGN8160Professional Communication II

ENGN8534Information Theory

ENGN8537Embedded Systems and Real Time Digital Signal Processing

ENGN8538Probability and Stochastic Processes in Engineering

ENGN8637Advanced Topics in Communications and Signal Processing

12 units from completion of ENGN8170Group Project, which must be completed more than once, in consecutive semesters

6 units from completion of courses from thefollowing list:

ENGN6513Fibre Optics Communication Systems

ENGN6625Power Electronics

12 units from completion of electivecourses offered by ANU

4. The University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学


Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)


入学要求:Entry is open to students with a four yearnon-accredited (under the Washington Accord) Bachelor of Engineering degree orequivalent. Alternatively, eligible applicants include those who hold a threeyear Engineering Science degree, at least equivalent to the first three yearsof a relevant Engineering degree accredited under the Washington Accord.


The two year Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineeringis professionally accredited by Engineers Australia. This degree is suited tothose wanting to enter the engineering profession or for currently practicingengineers who wish to expand their knowledge and skills.


ING-BOTTOM: 0px; FONT-STYLE: normal; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; MAX-WIDTH: 100%; WORD-WRAP: break-word !important; FONT-SIZE: 16px; PADDING-TOP: 0px">The University of Auckland





The University of Queensland




1. The University of Sydney 悉尼大学

Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in electrical engineering is concernedwith the way electrical energy is produced and used in homes, the community andindustry. It will provide you with advanced knowledge in designing and buildingsystems and machines that generate, transmit, measure, control and useelectrical energy essential to modern life. You may engage areas of study including wirelessengineering, power engineering, high voltage engineering and digital integratedcircuit design.

Master of Engineering in Power Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in power engineering is concerned withthe study of powersystems, specifically electric power generation, electric power transmissionand electric power distribution, power conversion, and electromechanicaldevices. This will provide you with advanced skills to plan, design,construct, operate and maintain power systems and equipment. You may engage in areas of studyincluding high voltage engineering, sustainable energy systems and powersystems analysis and protection.

Master of Engineeringin Telecommunication Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in telecommunications engineering willprovide you with advanced skills in the design, build and management of systems that carry out thetransmission and broadcasting of information using wireless signals. You may engage in areas of study including radio frequency engineering, mobile networks, gigabits wireless systems,and satellite communication systems.

综上所述,悉尼大学一共有三个EE类专业,其中Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering专业属于强电与弱电相结合的方向、Master of Engineering in Power Engineering专业属于纯强电专业、Master of Engineeringin Telecommunication Engineering专业属于纯弱电专业。有意向的童鞋,可以根据自己的需求去选择适合自己的专业方向。

2. The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学

Master of Telecommunications Engineering




1. In order to be considered forentry, applicants must have completed:
• either
– a four year electrical,communications, computer or information engineering degree with a weightedaverage mark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, or
– an undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline with a weighted averagemark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, and a graduate diploma intelecommunications with a weighted average mark of at least H3 (65%), orequivalent, or
– an undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline with a weighted averagemark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, and a graduate certificate intelecommunications with a weighted average mark of at least H3 (65%), orequivalent, and one year of documented, relevant work experience.
Meeting these requirements does not guarantee selection.

2. In ranking applications, theSelection Committee will consider:
• prior academic performance; and where relevant
• the professional experience. 申请院校的时候,学校的背景和均分不是唯一的审核标准,往往决定申请成败与否的因素在于学生的软性背景(例如课外活动、实习经历等)

3. The Selection Committee mayseek further information to clarify any aspect of an application in accordancewith the StudentApplication and Selection Procedure.

4. Applicants are required to satisfy theuniversity’s English language requirements for postgraduate courses. For thoseapplicants seeking to meet these requirements by one of the standard testsapproved by the Academic Board, performance band 6.5 isrequired.


You will complete a one year (100 point)full-time (or part-time equivalent) program, consisting of a choice of eight subjects of 12.5 points each.

Up to eight subjects can be selected from Master of Telecommunications Engineering electives, and up to two subjects canbe selected from the list of other engineering electives below.


Ø Network Design and Optimisation

Ø Internet Engineering

Ø Wireless Communication Systems

Ø Signaling and Network Management

Ø Directed Studies

Ø Mobile and Wireless Networks and Design

Ø Multimedia Content Delivery

Ø Broadband Access Networking and Design

Ø Optical Networking and Design

Ø Lightwave Systems

Ø Advanced Communications Systems

Ø Business of Telecommunications

Other Engineering electives

Ø Sensor Networks and Applications

Ø Cluster and Grid Computing

Ø IT Project Management

Ø RF Systems and Architecture


The program will provide you with the skills and specialist knowledgerequired for a career in the modern telecommunications industry. Careeropportunities exist in the design and development of new communicationstechnology, digital communications and signal processing, wireless systems andthe development of telecommunications hardware and software. Your skills willbe in demand in Australia and overseas, working for telecommunications companies such as Telstra,Siemens, Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent.

3. Australian National University 澳大利亚国立大学

Master of Engineering (Digital Systems and Telecommunications)

学制:2A single two year graduate degree offered by the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science 此专业是澳大利亚国立大学工程与计算科学学院唯一的两年制的研究生课程,可见其受认可的程度。


入学要求:A Bachelor degree or international equivalent in a cognate disciplinewith an average mark of at least 70 per cent. Cognate Discipline:Electrical Engineering,Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications/Communication Engineering,Information Engineering.


This two-year program will provide studentswith a qualification in Engineering at the Masters level. Students will obtainadvanced knowledge in signal processing and information engineering which is atthe heart of modern digital systems. Areas of application include microelectronic systems, communicationnetworks, computer vision, audio and acoustic signal processing. Theprogram contains a targeted professional development component as well as anopportunity to select electives from other areas of study anywhere in theUniversity.


The Master of Engineering in DigitalSystems and Telecommunications requires the completion of 96 units, of which:

96 units must come from completion of6000-level, 7000-level and 8000-level courses

The 96 must consist of:

66 units from completion of the followingcompulsory courses:

ENGN6213Digital Systems and Microprocessors

ENGN6536Wireless Communications

ENGN6537Discrete-Time Signal Processing

ENGN8100Introduction to Systems Engineering

ENGN8120Systems Modelling

ENGN8150Professional Communication I

ENGN8160Professional Communication II

ENGN8534Information Theory

ENGN8537Embedded Systems and Real Time Digital Signal Processing

ENGN8538Probability and Stochastic Processes in Engineering

ENGN8637Advanced Topics in Communications and Signal Processing

12 units from completion of ENGN8170Group Project, which must be completed more than once, in consecutive semesters

6 units from completion of courses from thefollowing list:

ENGN6513Fibre Optics Communication Systems

ENGN6625Power Electronics

12 units from completion of electivecourses offered by ANU

4. The University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学


Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)


入学要求:Entry is open to students with a four yearnon-accredited (under the Washington Accord) Bachelor of Engineering degree orequivalent. Alternatively, eligible applicants include those who hold a threeyear Engineering Science degree, at least equivalent to the first three yearsof a relevant Engineering degree accredited under the Washington Accord.


The two year Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineeringis professionally accredited by Engineers Australia. This degree is suited tothose wanting to enter the engineering profession or for currently practicingengineers who wish to expand their knowledge and skills.


portant; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; FONT-STYLE: normal; MARGIN: 0px; MIN-HEIGHT: 1em; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; MAX-WIDTH: 100%; WORD-WRAP: break-word !important; WHITE-SPACE: pre-wrap; CLEAR: both; PADDING-TOP: 0px">奥克兰大学

The University of Auckland





The University of Queensland




1. The University of Sydney 悉尼大学

Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in electrical engineering is concernedwith the way electrical energy is produced and used in homes, the community andindustry. It will provide you with advanced knowledge in designing and buildingsystems and machines that generate, transmit, measure, control and useelectrical energy essential to modern life. You may engage areas of study including wirelessengineering, power engineering, high voltage engineering and digital integratedcircuit design.

Master of Engineering in Power Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in power engineering is concerned withthe study of powersystems, specifically electric power generation, electric power transmissionand electric power distribution, power conversion, and electromechanicaldevices. This will provide you with advanced skills to plan, design,construct, operate and maintain power systems and equipment. You may engage in areas of studyincluding high voltage engineering, sustainable energy systems and powersystems analysis and protection.

Master of Engineeringin Telecommunication Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in telecommunications engineering willprovide you with advanced skills in the design, build and management of systems that carry out thetransmission and broadcasting of information using wireless signals. You may engage in areas of study including radio frequency engineering, mobile networks, gigabits wireless systems,and satellite communication systems.

综上所述,悉尼大学一共有三个EE类专业,其中Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering专业属于强电与弱电相结合的方向、Master of Engineering in Power Engineering专业属于纯强电专业、Master of Engineeringin Telecommunication Engineering专业属于纯弱电专业。有意向的童鞋,可以根据自己的需求去选择适合自己的专业方向。

2. The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学

Master of Telecommunications Engineering




1. In order to be considered forentry, applicants must have completed:
• either
– a four year electrical,communications, computer or information engineering degree with a weightedaverage mark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, or
– an undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline with a weighted averagemark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, and a graduate diploma intelecommunications with a weighted average mark of at least H3 (65%), orequivalent, or
– an undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline with a weighted averagemark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, and a graduate certificate intelecommunications with a weighted average mark of at least H3 (65%), orequivalent, and one year of documented, relevant work experience.
Meeting these requirements does not guarantee selection.

2. In ranking applications, theSelection Committee will consider:
• prior academic performance; and where relevant
• the professional experience. 申请院校的时候,学校的背景和均分不是唯一的审核标准,往往决定申请成败与否的因素在于学生的软性背景(例如课外活动、实习经历等)

3. The Selection Committee mayseek further information to clarify any aspect of an application in accordancewith the StudentApplication and Selection Procedure.

4. Applicants are required to satisfy theuniversity’s English language requirements for postgraduate courses. For thoseapplicants seeking to meet these requirements by one of the standard testsapproved by the Academic Board, performance band 6.5 isrequired.


You will complete a one year (100 point)full-time (or part-time equivalent) program, consisting of a choice of eight subjects of 12.5 points each.

Up to eight subjects can be selected from Master of Telecommunications Engineering electives, and up to two subjects canbe selected from the list of other engineering electives below.


Ø Network Design and Optimisation

Ø Internet Engineering

Ø Wireless Communication Systems

Ø Signaling and Network Management

Ø Directed Studies

Ø Mobile and Wireless Networks and Design

Ø Multimedia Content Delivery

Ø Broadband Access Networking and Design

Ø Optical Networking and Design

Ø Lightwave Systems

Ø Advanced Communications Systems

Ø Business of Telecommunications

Other Engineering electives

Ø Sensor Networks and Applications

Ø Cluster and Grid Computing

Ø IT Project Management

Ø RF Systems and Architecture


The program will provide you with the skills and specialist knowledgerequired for a career in the modern telecommunications industry. Careeropportunities exist in the design and development of new communicationstechnology, digital communications and signal processing, wireless systems andthe development of telecommunications hardware and software. Your skills willbe in demand in Australia and overseas, working for telecommunications companies such as Telstra,Siemens, Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent.

3. Australian National University 澳大利亚国立大学

Master of Engineering (Digital Systems and Telecommunications)

学制:2A single two year graduate degree offered by the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science 此专业是澳大利亚国立大学工程与计算科学学院唯一的两年制的研究生课程,可见其受认可的程度。


入学要求:A Bachelor degree or international equivalent in a cognate disciplinewith an average mark of at least 70 per cent. Cognate Discipline:Electrical Engineering,Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications/Communication Engineering,Information Engineering.


This two-year program will provide studentswith a qualification in Engineering at the Masters level. Students will obtainadvanced knowledge in signal processing and information engineering which is atthe heart of modern digital systems. Areas of application include microelectronic systems, communicationnetworks, computer vision, audio and acoustic signal processing. Theprogram contains a targeted professional development component as well as anopportunity to select electives from other areas of study anywhere in theUniversity.


The Master of Engineering in DigitalSystems and Telecommunications requires the completion of 96 units, of which:

96 units must come from completion of6000-level, 7000-level and 8000-level courses

The 96 must consist of:

66 units from completion of the followingcompulsory courses:

ENGN6213Digital Systems and Microprocessors

ENGN6536Wireless Communications

ENGN6537Discrete-Time Signal Processing

ENGN8100Introduction to Systems Engineering

ENGN8120Systems Modelling

ENGN8150Professional Communication I

ENGN8160Professional Communication II

ENGN8534Information Theory

ENGN8537Embedded Systems and Real Time Digital Signal Processing

ENGN8538Probability and Stochastic Processes in Engineering

ENGN8637Advanced Topics in Communications and Signal Processing

12 units from completion of ENGN8170Group Project, which must be completed more than once, in consecutive semesters

6 units from completion of courses from thefollowing list:

ENGN6513Fibre Optics Communication Systems

ENGN6625Power Electronics

12 units from completion of electivecourses offered by ANU

4. The University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学


Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)


入学要求:Entry is open to students with a four yearnon-accredited (under the Washington Accord) Bachelor of Engineering degree orequivalent. Alternatively, eligible applicants include those who hold a threeyear Engineering Science degree, at least equivalent to the first three yearsof a relevant Engineering degree accredited under the Washington Accord.


The two year Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineeringis professionally accredited by Engineers Australia. This degree is suited tothose wanting to enter the engineering profession or for currently practicingengineers who wish to expand their knowledge and skills.


ING-BOTTOM: 0px; FONT-STYLE: normal; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; MAX-WIDTH: 100%; WORD-WRAP: break-word !important; FONT-SIZE: 16px; PADDING-TOP: 0px">The University of Auckland





The University of Queensland




1. The University of Sydney 悉尼大学

Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in electrical engineering is concernedwith the way electrical energy is produced and used in homes, the community andindustry. It will provide you with advanced knowledge in designing and buildingsystems and machines that generate, transmit, measure, control and useelectrical energy essential to modern life. You may engage areas of study including wirelessengineering, power engineering, high voltage engineering and digital integratedcircuit design.

Master of Engineering in Power Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in power engineering is concerned withthe study of powersystems, specifically electric power generation, electric power transmissionand electric power distribution, power conversion, and electromechanicaldevices. This will provide you with advanced skills to plan, design,construct, operate and maintain power systems and equipment. You may engage in areas of studyincluding high voltage engineering, sustainable energy systems and powersystems analysis and protection.

Master of Engineeringin Telecommunication Engineering




课程介绍:A postgraduate specialisation in telecommunications engineering willprovide you with advanced skills in the design, build and management of systems that carry out thetransmission and broadcasting of information using wireless signals. You may engage in areas of study including radio frequency engineering, mobile networks, gigabits wireless systems,and satellite communication systems.

综上所述,悉尼大学一共有三个EE类专业,其中Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering专业属于强电与弱电相结合的方向、Master of Engineering in Power Engineering专业属于纯强电专业、Master of Engineeringin Telecommunication Engineering专业属于纯弱电专业。有意向的童鞋,可以根据自己的需求去选择适合自己的专业方向。

2. The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学

Master of Telecommunications Engineering




1. In order to be considered forentry, applicants must have completed:
• either
– a four year electrical,communications, computer or information engineering degree with a weightedaverage mark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, or
– an undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline with a weighted averagemark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, and a graduate diploma intelecommunications with a weighted average mark of at least H3 (65%), orequivalent, or
– an undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline with a weighted averagemark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent, and a graduate certificate intelecommunications with a weighted average mark of at least H3 (65%), orequivalent, and one year of documented, relevant work experience.
Meeting these requirements does not guarantee selection.

2. In ranking applications, theSelection Committee will consider:
• prior academic performance; and where relevant
• the professional experience. 申请院校的时候,学校的背景和均分不是唯一的审核标准,往往决定申请成败与否的因素在于学生的软性背景(例如课外活动、实习经历等)

3. The Selection Committee mayseek further information to clarify any aspect of an application in accordancewith the StudentApplication and Selection Procedure.

4. Applicants are required to satisfy theuniversity’s English language requirements for postgraduate courses. For thoseapplicants seeking to meet these requirements by one of the standard testsapproved by the Academic Board, performance band 6.5 isrequired.


You will complete a one year (100 point)full-time (or part-time equivalent) program, consisting of a choice of eight subjects of 12.5 points each.

Up to eight subjects can be selected from Master of Telecommunications Engineering electives, and up to two subjects canbe selected from the list of other engineering electives below.


Ø Network Design and Optimisation

Ø Internet Engineering

Ø Wireless Communication Systems

Ø Signaling and Network Management

Ø Directed Studies

Ø Mobile and Wireless Networks and Design

Ø Multimedia Content Delivery

Ø Broadband Access Networking and Design

Ø Optical Networking and Design

Ø Lightwave Systems

Ø Advanced Communications Systems

Ø Business of Telecommunications

Other Engineering electives

Ø Sensor Networks and Applications

Ø Cluster and Grid Computing

Ø IT Project Management

Ø RF Systems and Architecture


The program will provide you with the skills and specialist knowledgerequired for a career in the modern telecommunications industry. Careeropportunities exist in the design and development of new communicationstechnology, digital communications and signal processing, wireless systems andthe development of telecommunications hardware and software. Your skills willbe in demand in Australia and overseas, working for telecommunications companies such as Telstra,Siemens, Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent.

3. Australian National University 澳大利亚国立大学

Master of Engineering (Digital Systems and Telecommunications)

学制:2A single two year graduate degree offered by the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science 此专业是澳大利亚国立大学工程与计算科学学院唯一的两年制的研究生课程,可见其受认可的程度。


入学要求:A Bachelor degree or international equivalent in a cognate disciplinewith an average mark of at least 70 per cent. Cognate Discipline:Electrical Engineering,Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications/Communication Engineering,Information Engineering.


This two-year program will provide studentswith a qualification in Engineering at the Masters level. Students will obtainadvanced knowledge in signal processing and information engineering which is atthe heart of modern digital systems. Areas of application include microelectronic systems, communicationnetworks, computer vision, audio and acoustic signal processing. Theprogram contains a targeted professional development component as well as anopportunity to select electives from other areas of study anywhere in theUniversity.


The Master of Engineering in DigitalSystems and Telecommunications requires the completion of 96 units, of which:

96 units must come from completion of6000-level, 7000-level and 8000-level courses

The 96 must consist of:

66 units from completion of the followingcompulsory courses:

ENGN6213Digital Systems and Microprocessors

ENGN6536Wireless Communications

ENGN6537Discrete-Time Signal Processing

ENGN8100Introduction to Systems Engineering

ENGN8120Systems Modelling

ENGN8150Professional Communication I

ENGN8160Professional Communication II

ENGN8534Information Theory

ENGN8537Embedded Systems and Real Time Digital Signal Processing

ENGN8538Probability and Stochastic Processes in Engineering

ENGN8637Advanced Topics in Communications and Signal Processing

12 units from completion of ENGN8170Group Project, which must be completed more than once, in consecutive semesters

6 units from completion of courses from thefollowing list:

ENGN6513Fibre Optics Communication Systems

ENGN6625Power Electronics

12 units from completion of electivecourses offered by ANU

4. The University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学


Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)


入学要求:Entry is open to students with a four yearnon-accredited (under the Washington Accord) Bachelor of Engineering degree orequivalent. Alternatively, eligible applicants include those who hold a threeyear Engineering Science degree, at least equivalent to the first three yearsof a relevant Engineering degree accredited under the Washington Accord.


The two year Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineeringis professionally accredited by Engineers Australia. This degree is suited tothose wanting to enter the engineering profession or for currently practicingengineers who wish to expand their knowledge and skills.


